
Tuesday 29 July 2008

S.A.R.A in FE

Executive Students of FE UNJ are S.A.R.A.. They often plays religious song LOUDLY.. In the mean time, member of student executive NOT ONLY Moslem but also Christian.. They have never thought Christian feeling.. they were confident with them struggled songs.. They should know that the taste of songs are different...
If U don't believe it, U can check in HMJ's computer...
Find it..Delete it

Tuesday 15 July 2008


Management has reached the study program 2007 in FE UNJ...
The futsal team management won Dekan Cup 2008...
STudent candidate of management is the highest for the last UMB...
Highest score of UMB chose management as study program

Thursday 10 July 2008

Software Anti-pornografi

The software from depkominfo is impoten.,...
The project indicated KKN...
coz Software is made from ITS.....
You know New Minister of Information and communication was rector ITS...
why don't he offered ITB??????????????...

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Iqtishodi was infest

All new students were interviewed by iqtishodi.........................
Why they should interviewed new students??????????????????
Climate of college is stagnant............
"CELANA BAHAN Soldiers" is still leading...............

Monday 7 July 2008

New students

New students have come....
Especially for girls...
Andri welcome


It was So difficult to find PKl place............
As the first generation, management 2005 like a trial.....
The leader of management is fickle..
he said that "student college should taken PKL for 1 month", but next day he said PKL sahould be 2 months...